Elizabeth's Icecream Fund:  $288.26

New Jeep

We currently have an older model, 7 passenger SUV that we use to go to the village, as well as transporting kids and supplies. This vehicle is getting older and has to be taken to the shop for repairs frequently. We would like to get a newer model, 11 passenger SUV to replace it. A newer model would cost around $35,000USD. We believe we can sell the current jeep for about $8,000USD.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Price Tag:   $27,000

New Land for Orphanage

Our home in Bhairahawa is operating in a rented house. Our goal is to purchase land that can be used in the expansion of this project. 

                                                                                                                                     Price Tag:  $60,000